Fully French-made public toilets in Bernay.

15 déc 2022

Public toilets are essential urban amenities, all the more so in times of a health crisis. In Bernay (27), the town council selected Francioli, a leading French street furniture manufacturer, to install new public toilets in the town.

These facilities were needed to upgrade the business park


The installation of new public toilet facilities in Bernay forms part of a wider project to upgrade an area close to the town centre. ""This aesthetically pleasing new facility puts the finishing touches on the project to redevelop the parking lot in the immediate vicinity of our childcare centre and the shops on Place Paul Dérou. We have just created forty new parking spaces and replaced the street furniture"", explains Marie-Lyne Vagner, the Mayor of Bernay.


Toilets which are entirely French-made and automated

The cubicles were designed and pre-fabricated by Francioli at its Chaleins (01) plant. “Toilet facilities must meet strict specifications in terms of safety, hygiene, practicality and aesthetics to ensure that they provide impeccable service”, explains Laurence Mahé, Francioli/Citygie sales representative.

“In order to maintain good service levels for the toilets, the concrete walls are designed to be fire-resistant and robust to resist damage. The walls are smooth to keep them germ-free and to optimize cleaning times and maintenance costs. We also find that good levels of cleanliness encourage greater respect for the facilities. ""

The public toilet cubicles are also connected to a remote maintenance system to optimize water consumption:the hand-washing station is triggered by remote sensing, and the floor-washing system can be adjusted to suit the application.

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