Parks and gardens offer citizens wide open green spaces which they can enjoy and relax in. To ensure that your public park is well laid out and provides an enjoyable experience for all users, it is important that it offers the right facilities.

Improving public parks and green spaces

The tables, chairs, benches and chairs installed in public parks and gardens enable users to relax, rest and stop for a picnic.  
The modern lines of Francioli's range of street furniture blend in perfectly in green spaces. Manufactured from ultra-solid concrete, they provide high levels of comfort for users and are resistant to damage

Protected plants

To protect plants against bad weather and severe temperature changes, Francioli offers a wide range of concrete planters which can hold flowers, bushes and even shrubs.  

Concrete planters are highly practical and are easy to maintain. They are available in a wide variety of sizes and colours to suit all styles of gardens and parks. Their concrete design protects plants in the long term, even after many years of use. 

Toilet facilities in public green spaces  

Public toilets in parks and gardens are an important asset for a community. Both practical and attractive, these installations are ideal for all users of parks and gardens. They are open all hours and strategically placed to make life easier for families and other passers-by. 

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