Turnkey toilet facilities for Perpignan

  • Sanitaires publics façade bois Perpignan

A practical new service for the residents


In Perpignan, the local authority asked Francioli to install five new public toilet units in the city centre. These facilities are equipped with free-access outdoor water outlets and credit-card payment systems. ""The new toilet facilities will be maintained for a 10 year period"".


A long-term partnership


The city of Perpignan decided to take out a leasing plan with Citygie, this is a new way for local authorities to make facilities available to their residents. Francioli, a company which designs and constructs public toilets in the Ain region, provides the units on a rental basis; the upkeep and maintenance are then entrusted to Protecsan, a company which is also part of the Citygie group. 

The leasing contract also gives the local authority the option of purchasing the public toilet units at the end of the lease.

Today, most people have a bank card, and coins are becoming increasingly rare. Coin slots are often the target of vandalism, resulting in additional maintenance costs. We offered the city of Perpignan a safe and long-lasting system.

Jean-Pierre de Castro, Sales representative at Francioli

Turnkey toilet facilities for Perpignan

In Perpignan, which has been awarded the "Ville d’Art et d’Histoire" (City of Art and History) label, the municipality asked Francioli, a Citygie group company, to provide the city centre with new secure public toilet facilities.


  • Perpignan
  • Public toilets
  • Décembre 2022

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